Friday, May 23, 2014

Fan of Friday: Week of 5/23/2014

This week, I am LOVING 'Supernatural'!

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The show burst into my life a couple years ago, I think around season seven. I watched the episodes online as they aired and I never felt like I was missing out on the backstory because, for the most part, each episode is basically 'Find the evil thing, kill the evil thing."

However, last summer, since the shows that air are pretty much crap, I ordered season one and decided to start from the beginning. It seemed like something Dan and I could do together. It could be our show. It took us a long time to get through season one, but by fall, we'd made it and I forced him to order us all the remaining DVDs since they were on Black Friday clearance.

Again, progress was slow until about a week ago when Dan told me he isn't as into it as I am and I am free to watch them alone. I have since torn through about 25 episodes alone.

So, right now, I haven't seen Seasons 3 through 6. Apparently all the stuff in the middle where people keep dying and getting sent to Hell and losing souls and yada yada yada. No spoilers, ok? Also, I haven't seen the last couple of episodes of the current season, so again, No Spoilers!

Random tangent: you can totally use 'Supernatural' to bond with preteen girls. At a mentoring lunch with a bunch of middle school girls, the only topic of conversation I could keep going was about 'Supernatural' and it's crazy fandom. One of the girls even told me I reminded her of the character Charlie.

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And you know I have a sweet spot in my heart for Felicia Day, so I was incredibly flattered.

Why didn't we have shows and crazy fandoms like this when I was a preteen girl?

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