Wednesday, June 19, 2013

My First Haul from Lush

Tucson recently opened up its first Lush shop. Aren't we so fancy now? I've been hearing for months now from all the beauty bloggers I follow how great it is and I was itching to find out for myself. After driving all the way across town, I refused to leave empty handed.

In case Lush is new to you, too, its an all organic, handmade beauty store. Which was all news to me when I walked in. As well as the cost! The four items I ended up with were probably four of the cheapest in the store, yet it still cost me $51. Yikes!

Anyway, to the stuff I bought. First is this Karma Kream hand and body cream. It's thick and luxurious and smells of orange and patchouli oil. I can't say I notice a difference in my skin, but the scent does seem to linger on my skin all day.

Then, I bought these shower jellies for my sister and me. The clerk said they're great to freeze on a hot day and rub down with. Mine, the blue one, smells like a yellow gummy bear. My sister's, the purple, smells like grape jelly.

Lastly, for my mom, I bought a bath bomb. I was really looking forward to trying one out myself, but since we only use our bath tub to rinse out paint brushes, it was not to be. However, my mom has a gorgeous tub and can appreciate a good, long soak.

So, overall, good experience. But between the cost and the time and travel, I'm good with my ordinary stuff from Target.

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