Monday, April 11, 2016

I Survived My First Zumba Class

In a post a few weeks ago, I recently earned my Zumba instructor license. The long-term plan was to become the substitute teacher for my Zumba class when my regular teacher can't attend.

I've been practicing like crazy and my first schedule teaching day is today.


...last week my teacher had a last-second emergency so guess who stepped in? Yep, me. I have now taught my first official Zumba class! It was a mess at first because I was not prepared. I didn't have my music or my cute new Zumba shirt or my hair styled in the cute instructor way I'd been practicing, so I was initially disappointed, to be honest. 

But I could not have asked for a better class. It was a small class made up of coworkers and friends. 

In hindsight, I'm relieved that I had to teach last week. I got the first time jitters over with and it's only going to get better from here. I'm going to kick ass today. But this time, with my cute new shirt and real playlist. 

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